Next-Gen Currencies: Future-Proofing Your Ad Operations

Daron Bednar
December 12, 2023
5 min read

How to Future-Proof Your Ad Operations with Next-Gen Currencies

Hey, I'm Ian Stern, and I'm here to tell you about one of the most exciting trends in the advertising industry: next-gen currencies. If you're like me, you're always looking for ways to stay ahead of the game and make your ad operations more effective and profitable. That's why you need to understand and harness the power of next-gen currencies, which are the key to future-proofing your ad operations.

What Are Next-Gen Currencies and Why Do They Matter?

You might be wondering what I mean by next-gen currencies. Well, let me explain. Traditionally, advertising currencies were pretty simple, often based on metrics like impressions and clicks. You know, the stuff you see on your dashboard or report. But as the advertising ecosystem becomes more complex and sophisticated, these basic metrics are not enough to capture the true value and impact of your campaigns.

Next-gen currencies are a new way of measuring and valuing advertising, that go beyond the basic metrics and dive into more advanced indicators of success. Things like Effective Reach, Frequency, Return on Investment (ROI), deliverability, and quality. These are the dimensions that next-gen currencies cover.

Why do these matter? Because they reflect the real outcomes that advertisers want from their campaigns, not just the inputs. For example, Effective Reach measures how many people in your target audience actually saw your ad, and Frequency measures how often they saw it. These are important because they determine how well your ad resonated with your audience and influenced their behavior. ROI measures how much revenue or profit you generated from your campaign, compared to how much you spent. This is crucial because it shows how efficient and profitable your campaign was. Deliverability measures how consistently your ads reached your intended audience, without being blocked or filtered out. This is vital because it ensures that your campaign was not wasted or compromised. Quality measures how well your campaign performed in terms of viewability, engagement, and brand safety. This is essential because it ensures that your campaign was seen, clicked, and remembered by your audience, and that it did not harm your brand reputation.

As you can see, next-gen currencies are much more comprehensive and meaningful than the old metrics. They help you optimize your campaign performance, justify your ad spend, and demonstrate your value to your advertisers. That's why you need to embrace them if you want to future-proof your ad operations.

How to Adopt Next-Gen Currencies with Ease and Confidence

Now, you might be thinking: "OK, next-gen currencies sound great, but how do I adopt them? They seem complicated and challenging to implement." I get it. I was in your shoes once. I used to struggle with adapting my existing workflows and systems to accommodate these more intricate metrics. But then I discovered Audience Platform, and everything changed.

Audience Platform is a suite of solutions designed to seamlessly integrate next-gen currencies into your ad operations. It not only supports out-of-the-box workflows for these advanced metrics, but also allows customization to address your specific needs. Let me tell you how it works.

Effective Reach and Frequency Management

One of the main aspects of next-gen currencies is achieving effective Reach and Frequency. This means reaching the right number of people in your target audience, with the right number of exposures, to maximize your campaign impact. Too little, and your campaign won't be noticed. Too much, and your campaign will annoy your audience and waste your budget.

Audience Platform simplifies this complexity by providing tools and automation that ensure your campaigns reach the right audience with the right frequency. For example, it uses AI to predict the optimal frequency for each audience segment, based on historical data and behavioral patterns. It also uses dynamic frequency capping to adjust the number of exposures per user, based on their response and feedback. This way, you can avoid over- or under-delivering your ads, and achieve the best results possible.

ROI and Deliverability Guarantees

Another key aspect of next-gen currencies is measuring and optimizing your ROI. This means tracking how much revenue or profit you generated from your campaign, compared to how much you spent. This is important because it shows how efficient and profitable your campaign was, and how well you allocated your resources.

Audience Platform is designed to help you measure and optimize your ROI effectively. For example, it uses attribution models to track the impact of your campaign on your audience's actions, such as conversions, purchases, or sign-ups. It also uses optimization algorithms to allocate your budget to the best-performing channels, formats, and creatives. This way, you can maximize your returns and minimize your costs.

Additionally, Audience Platform addresses the challenge of deliverability, which means ensuring that your ads reach your intended audience consistently, without being blocked or filtered out. This is vital because it ensures that your campaign was not wasted or compromised.

Audience Platform uses advanced technologies to ensure your deliverability. For example, it uses anti-ad blocking solutions to bypass ad blockers and deliver your ads to your audience. It also uses verification tools to monitor and prevent fraud, invalid traffic, and non-human impressions. This way, you can ensure that your ads are seen by real people, and that you pay only for valid impressions.

Quality Metrics for Optimal Campaign Performance

The final aspect of next-gen currencies is ensuring the quality of your campaigns. This means monitoring and enhancing the quality of your campaigns, in terms of viewability, engagement, and brand safety. This is essential because it ensures that your campaigns are seen, clicked, and remembered by your audience, and that they do not harm your brand reputation.

Audience Platform's advanced analytics and reporting capabilities allow you to monitor and enhance the quality of your campaigns, resulting in better overall performance. For example, it uses viewability metrics to measure how much of your ad was visible to your audience, and for how long. It also uses engagement metrics to measure how your audience interacted with your ad, such as clicks, scrolls, or swipes. This way, you can assess how effective your ad was in capturing your audience's attention and interest.

Audience Platform also uses brand safety tools to protect your brand reputation. For example, it uses contextual targeting to place your ads on relevant and appropriate sites and pages, avoiding any content that might be harmful or offensive to your brand. It also uses sentiment analysis to gauge the tone and mood of your audience, and adjust your ad delivery accordingly. This way, you can ensure that your ads are aligned with your brand values and image, and that they do not cause any negative reactions from your audience.

Why Next-Gen Currencies Are a Strategic Advantage for Your Ad Operations

By now, you might be convinced that next-gen currencies are the way to go for your ad operations. But you might still wonder: "What's in it for me? How do next-gen currencies benefit me and my business?"

The answer is simple: next-gen currencies are a strategic advantage for your ad operations. They help you stand out from the crowd and gain a competitive edge in the market. How? By enabling you to:

- Deliver better outcomes for your advertisers. Next-gen currencies help you provide not just impressions, but tangible outcomes for your advertisers, such as awareness, consideration, action, and loyalty. These are the outcomes that advertisers care about, and that they are willing to pay more for. By delivering on these outcomes, you can increase your value proposition, attract more advertisers, and charge higher rates.
- Optimize your campaign performance and efficiency. Next-gen currencies help you optimize your campaign performance and efficiency, by allowing you to measure and improve every aspect of your campaign, from reach and frequency, to ROI and deliverability, to quality and impact. By optimizing your campaign performance and efficiency, you can increase your revenue and profit, and reduce your waste and risk.
- Future-proof your ad operations. Next-gen currencies help you future-proof your ad operations, by preparing you for the inevitable changes and challenges in the industry. As the industry evolves, next-gen currencies will become the standard and the norm, and those who are not ready will be left behind. By adopting next-gen currencies now, you can stay ahead of the curve, and be ready for whatever comes next.

Conclusion: Next-Gen Currencies Are the Future of Advertising

In conclusion, next-gen currencies are the future of advertising. They are a new way of measuring and valuing advertising, that go beyond the basic metrics and dive into more advanced indicators of success. They help you optimize your campaign performance, justify your ad spend, and demonstrate your value to your advertisers. They also help you future-proof your ad operations, by positioning you strategically in the competitive landscape.

But adopting next-gen currencies is not easy. It requires a lot of changes and adjustments to your existing workflows and systems. That's why you need Audience Platform, a suite of solutions designed to seamlessly integrate next-gen currencies into your ad operations. Audience Platform not only supports out-of-the-box workflows for these advanced metrics, but also allows customization to address your specific needs. It also provides tools and automation that ensure your campaigns reach the right audience with the right frequency, measure and optimize your ROI and deliverability, and monitor and enhance the quality of your campaigns.

If you want to future-proof your ad operations with next-gen currencies, Audience Platform is the solution for you. Don't wait, contact us today and get started. Trust me, you won't regret it. I've been using Audience Platform for a while now, and I can tell you that it has made a huge difference in my ad operations. I've seen better results, higher returns, and happier advertisers. And I'm sure you will too.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to get in touch.

Daron Bednar
Project Manager